🗓 EN

En het was weer geweldig!!

2000 mensen vonden hun weg naar onze alternatieve beginplek aan de Markt, om met ons mee te lopen richting het Stadspark. En het was weer heel gezellig!

We had some beautiful speeches and performances at the Stadspark where a lot of people found some shade underneath the trees - yes, we heard you, you needed shadow, that's why we ended at Stadspark this year and not at the Griendpark. Photographer Paula Wielders was there once again to make photos of all the beautiful people who wanted to be photographed, she's working on some gorgeous photo albums as we write this. They'll be uploaded to our website and her Facebook page as they become available, so keep an eye out on that!

Pride is a protest! Maastricht Pride even more so, and it will always be! People chanted, carried amazing banners and stood up for queer rights in Maastricht and worldwide! Hope to see you again next year, and forever as long as it's necessary!

There were news articles about Pride Maastricht published by L1 and De Limburger!

Additionally, Sarai's speech on polyamory can be rewatched here.